About Me

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We are an ensemble of International and Lebanese artists who create free, site specific, theatrical performances across Lebanon.



Lebanon is full of surprises.

Nestled in the hills of Baabda is a beautiful 18th century Franco-Lebanese home, currently used as the headquarters for environmental ngo,  T.E.R.R.E Liban. Their mission? To sensitize young Lebanese
on issues concerning public health and sustainable development, to promote peace and to educate about the preservation of natural resources through conferences, leadership building and practical projects.

Among other activities, T.E.R.R.E Liban offers their grounds as a sorting facility. Check out the photos of sorted plastics, metals and paper below! And be sure to check out T.E.R.R.E Liban at the our shows :)


BIM in Recycled Art & Design Exhibit

The #Upcycling #Art trend has hit Beirut, Lebanon.

"Trashy Treasures," a recycled art and design exhibit, opens tomorrow at L'Atelier Mar Mikael, from 6- 9 PM. The exhibition brings together a group of artists, designers and environmentalists to address the eminent issue of waste by transforming discarded materials into a creative and colorful variety of objects, furniture, accessories, sculpture and art works. The show continues until June 22 ( the night before BIM 4 opening in Tyre!)

We're exhibiting an installation made from plastic water bottles & ink ( Thank You BIMKleen Volunteers!), designed by BIM installation artist, Dina Mahmoud.

Take a peek below... it's a flavor of what's to come in our upcoming show !



Every Saturday morning, from 9 -12, BIMkleen hits the streets in and around Beirut, picking up plastic waste from the community. Thank you to all our volunteers, and to today's new addition, Hana Bakkar, from Ras el Nabaa!  See you next weekend :)


BIM in Beyond

Pick up the Spring issue of Beyond Magazine- Lebanon's own environmentally focused magazine- currently on stands. Check out the spread on The (B)IM Project's previous and upcoming work!



Time To Rehearse

A stellar cast: Tony Kahoush, Daniel Balabane, Hadi Deaibess, Raghda Moawad & Kholoud Nasser
+ A hard working stage manager: Assil Ayyash
+ A creative writer/director: Camille Brunel Aoun
+ Piles of garbage
+ More garbage
+ Even more garbage
+ A beautiful space, graciously donated to us by Zico House.
= Time to Rehearse BIM 4 !

In the coming weeks, we'll share more photos of our exciting work in progress, but for now we leave you with this quote, visible on the facade of Zico House, a true supporter of the arts and artists working in Lebanon:

                                                   "Imagination Helps Art Rid Reality Of Its Tricks"


The Final Countdown

Tomorrow, we begin our final rehearsals for BIM 4! 

We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge all those who participated in our workshop development phase and contributed to our project:

Concept Development... Lucien Bourjeily, Randy Ginsburg  & Nadine Touma 
Performers: Joan Baz, Hadi Deaibess, David Habchy, Raghda Mouawad, Hussein Nakhal, Dana Mikhail, Habib Rahmeh & Aurelian Zouki
Research/Advice/ Hosting: Apparacida Awad, Lamia, Jihan, Manal, Kara Molina Johnson, Mona Mouallem, Ziad Samaha, Alexandra Schneider & George Zouein

Thank You! 

And a Special Thanks to Zico House and the Theatre Communications Group :)