The seventh show in Hermel was preceded by a 2-night stay in a children's campsite in the Hermel Jurd - the hillsides surrounding the city - where the whole terrain pervaded with natural beauty of a biblical degree. After a beautiful sunset, a million stars pierced the night sky, and the mist of the asteroid belt that encompassed our heavenly dome painted a hazy background for the meteor showers that shot through our stay there.The workshop alternated between the library in Hermel and the campsite. Our free time was spent between playing with the kids and sitting in the shade of a tree, gazing at hillsides that peacefully rolled into the horizon.
Oh, and the performance was great too. The kids from the camp all attended, as well as the authors of the stories upon which the plays were adapted! After finishing with the play and getting back to the camp, the performers were saluted with a frenzy of clapping and cheering.
Oh, and the performance was great too. The kids from the camp all attended, as well as the authors of the stories upon which the plays were adapted! After finishing with the play and getting back to the camp, the performers were saluted with a frenzy of clapping and cheering.
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